Chasing Inspiration
How to become inspired when you’ve hit an “inspiration roadblock”.
Where does inspiration come from? Where do you find it?
How do you satisfy this need, this craving?
Often I find myself struggling to feel inspired. Maybe anxiety intermittent depression and melancholy days can be blamed. However, it's not hard to find inspiration when we challenge ourselves to do this one simple thing - OPEN OUR EYES.
Take a walk. Look around. Put the damn phone down, Hunny…
I find when I challenge myself to step outside my imaginary box (built of self-doubt and shyness) I am instantly inspired. Creativity soon follows.
Picture this, a sunny day. A walk through a part of your city you havent discivered, inadvertantly meeting new people you havent yet crossed paths with. Boom. Inspiration.
My most recent reminder of this was when I took a weekend trip to Vigo and A Coruna, Spain with my good friend Alej.
We talked about my struggle with feeling roadblocked and admittedly a bit intimidated by the daunting task of starting a new business in Portugal.
He was right in reminding me to start small and look for inspiration that is within reach.
For me this was so obvious - design shops.
As a designer and creative-minded person being able to walk into a space and first-hand touch, see and experience beauty is an instant On-Switch for me.
Then the creativity flows. Business ideas, strategy, concept and design.
And all it took was a casual stroll into some design shops…
No, I’m not saying you have to go to Spain or Europe to find inspiration, (although if you do I get it). I'm saying open your eyes, darling. Beauty and inspiration are all around us if we just put our self-inflicted limitations in the rubbish bin where they belong.
So, there you have it. You’re welcome. Open eyes. Challenge mind. Be inspired.